Sightlines Initiative

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ReFocus Journal Issue 08

Availability: 15

Price: £3.00

ReFocus is the UK network of early childhood educators, artists and others influenced in their practice by the preschools of Reggio Emilia

Articles Include:

The Fascinator Trap - Jane Bravery

Exploring in a Cambridge Forest - Ruth Sapsed and Filipa Pereira-Stubbs

What's the problem, guys? - Mariette Heaney

Exchange and dialogue with Sweden - Emma Pace

Ready-packaged or well-rooted? - Annica Wennstrom

The Wonder of Learning: The Cultural Challenge from Reggio - Speech by Harold Gothson

Interview with Jan Millikan - Lella Gandini, Elin Swedenmark and Judith Allen Kaminsky

Spirals - Kirsty Liljegren


Issue (2009)

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